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Rigatoni is the first server library to implement the NOODLES messaging protocol in Python. The NOOODLES protocol allows multiple client applications to interact collaboratively with data in real-time. The protocol is especially geared towards applications that can render 3D meshes and other data. This server library provides objects and methods for maintaining a noodles session in state. The server uses a websocket connection to send CBOR encoded messages. To customize its implementation, the library provides convenient interface methods to assist the user in writing their own methods for the server. The user can also add custom delegates to add additional functionality to any of the standard components.

Rigatoni's Geometry Server used with Orzo for 3d visualizations

Why use Rigatoni?

Rigatoni is a great choice for anyone who wants to use the NOODLES protocol while working in Python. With a server application to host data and custom methods, users will be able to interact with data from any client application that implements the NOODLES protocol. Rigatoni offers a simple interface for creating methods and components, and it provides additional support for working with meshes and complex geometry. If you are looking to use NOODLES with a different language, there is currently support for C++, Rust, Julia, and Javascript here, and if you are looking to build a client application in Python, check out Rigatoni.

How does the server work?

    participant User
    participant Method
    participant Server
    participant Client
    User->>Method: Defines Methods and Components
    User->>Server: Starts Server with Starting State
    Client->>Server: Sends Intro Message
    Server->>Client: Updates the Client with Current State
    loop until end of session
        Client->>Server: Request to Invoke Method
        Server->>Method: Invokes Method
        Method->>Server: Invokes Signals, Creates, Updates, and Deletes Components
        Server->>Client: Broadcasts Component Changes to All Clients
        Server->>Client: Sends Method Reply with Response or Exception

The server handles incoming websocket connections and maintains a list of clients that are currently connected. After a client has sent an introductory message, they are free to invoke methods defined by the server. The server parses each message and attempts to invoke a corresponding method which has been injected by the user. The server calls this method and sends a reply with either a response or an exception.